A registered non-profit corporation in the state of Texas
The Greens 4, 5, 6 & 7 Homeowners Association, otherwise referred to as the Greens Estates or the Association, includes homes on the north side of Lochness (west of Luna Elementary School), all of the homes on Lochmoor Lane, Lochwood Court, Aberdeen Drive, Tartan Trail, Glen Hollow Drive, Shamrock Court, Calm Meadow Court, and Glen Meadow Court for a total of 121 homes.
Membership in the Association is mandatory for residents of the specified developments, and is detailed in documents each homeowner received at closing. The Common Areas of the Association encompass the space between the road surface and the homeowner fence or property lines on Brand Road north of Lochness Lane to Campbell Road, and on Campbell Road east of Brand Road to the eastern boundary of the lots on Calm Meadow Court. This is a linear area of approximately 1/2 mile in length.